Cancer Risk Assessment Specialist

Barry J Fish, MD

OBGYN located in Fairlawn, OH

Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant cancers in the United States. Thankfully, the latest methods for assessing the risk for breast and other types of cancer have reduced fatal cancer cases dramatically in the last 20 years. At his Fairlawn, Ohio, OB/GYN practice, Dr. Barry Fish and his dedicated medical team offer comprehensive cancer risk assessments to identify cancer in its early stages, when it’s more treatable. The team is available to answer your questions or concerns by phone or through the patient portal. Lower your cancer risk by scheduling annual screenings with Dr. Fish. Book your appointment online or by calling the office directly.

Cancer Risk Assessment Q & A

When do I need a cancer risk assessment?

Dr. Fish thoroughly reviews your medical and family history during your initial consultation. Typically, he recommends routine cancer risk assessments based on two main criteria:

Family history

If any member of your family, whether on your mother or father’s side of the family, has a cancer diagnosis, you may be at increased risk for cancer. This is especially true if there’s a history of breast or ovarian cancer among your relatives.

Environmental factors

Dr. Fish can also determine if you’re at risk for cancer based on certain environmental factors, such as your employment or lifestyle habits. If you work in an environment that exposes you to certain chemicals or you spend a lot of time in the sun, you should be regularly screened for cancer.

If you smoke cigarettes or use other tobacco products, are obese, or lack adequate physical activity, a regular cancer risk assessment may be necessary to monitor your health.

What type of screening do I need?

If you have a strong family history of cancer, Dr. Fish may recommend genetic testing. This kind of evaluation identifies your inherited risk for cancer and can help in the development of a risk management plan to help reduce your chance of getting cancer.

To monitor your risk for cervical cancer, Dr. Fish performs annual Pap tests that can show the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells. This test occurs during your pelvic exam and involves a painless collection of cervical cells that Dr. Fish submits to a lab for further analysis.

Screening for ovarian cancer involves either a transvaginal ultrasound or a blood test. For breast cancer screenings, Dr. Fish can refer you for a mammogram. This test is typically an annual screening for all women over 40, or earlier if you have a family history of breast cancer.

Dr. Fish also discusses your lifestyle choices and works with you to improve your diet and exercise plan. Preventive efforts can improve your overall health and work effectively to reduce your cancer risk.

How often do I need a cancer risk assessment?

Dr. Fish can determine how often you should receive cancer screenings and testing based on your medical history, your family history, and lifestyle habits.

During your initial consultation, it is helpful to provide him with as much information as possible concerning your health and your family’s history to allow him to create a risk management plan based on your needs.

To schedule a cancer risk assessment, book an appointment with Dr. Fish online or by calling his office directly.

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